just posting a link to some videos where i look like a fool but where you can see my new system at work:
that's the xbox360 kinect hacked on snow leopard usind sensebloom's osceleton to send OSC messages to pd. so in the end any of the 17 points of the body available for now control any parameter of various units of my new granular patch. the results aren't bad at all.
if you're interested in using my patches, or need help to install osceleton, let me knowgab
i am working on a new set on pd, but there are a few buds and problems which are driving me crazy.... here are a few:
a graph with "graph on parent" enabled put in a subpatch will also show on the parent and the main patch, creating terrible overlaps. solutions i've tried include puting the arrays in subpatches (but then i loose visual relation to the rest of the patch. in my example numberboxes linked to faders and graphs), and using one display unit to replace the data with coords messages (but then i loose general view of various units, which is very usefull especially with automations and remote controls).
the "hide name and argument" option does not seem to work with arrays. they will always display their names when GOP is on...
initialising. when the mainpatch is opened, a preset is loaded in every unit of "mud", but a few steps have to be done before any audio gets computed, and the patch starts to work normally. what i usually do is: load a sound, move the display slider (over where it says parameters), toggle to FUNC, click the display slider, move the view slider (over where it says playback) until it says "min". then the audio begins..... well is there a simple way to initiate? unpon opening a preset is loaded into each unit, so i'm basically looking for a way to run through all the hiden arrays so they send their data...
well that's it for now. as you can see my knowledge in pd is quite basic and i use only simple objects. so with this post i am looking for:
- answers to the above questions
- other problems and bugs i haven't noticed yet
- advice on how to make it better
- advice on great areas of pd i do not use (state saving systems, datastructures, creating guis) and would really make the job easier....
i really hope some of you will take the time, i learned all i know from this forum. i'm quite proud of that patch, and will happily post it and a tutorial upon completion.
thanks guys,gab
hey there,
after spending hours trying to figure out if mcCormick's s-env and s-env~ is possible to adapt avoiding data structures (i never use objects i don't understand or make myself: too dangerous !!), and generaly trying to avoid learning data structures, there's just one detail holding me back from building the sequencing system i want:
is it possible to switch between draw as point / polygon / bezier curve without opening the properties dialogue
? this would allow toggling from step-sequencer to LFO in a same unit
i can't find the answer in the help examples or anywhere, but i'd guess it would be possible, with a message box or something.... if anyone knows .....? also if you have personal examples of complex LFOs which use array reading and bank-n-patern sequencing, i'd love to see them....
a few months ago i posted a patch of mine with an error i couldn't find, crying out for help. my cry was answered by boonier (i think) who found the mistake and saved my life .......
now i've updated the patch, and a similar error occurs, and once again i can't seem to find where the problem is, so i post it back here in case someone has time to waste on this ..... i know it's got to do with a loop in the system in the "mudchanel" abs, but i just can't pin it....to open:
download all three files from below to the same directory
in pd~ open a new file and save it to the same directory
in the new file create an object called "mud" with an argument of your choice
connect the outputs to dac~well there you go..... it's quite a nice patch for granular sampling, so i'd love to have it work.....
still quite new to pd~(please redirect if this post isn't in the right place), I have been trying for some time to resolve the problem of saving presets and states for the patches I have built.
Allthough I have come to some conclusions (writing qlists through parallel sets of send/returns, saving arrays, ...), I still seem to be stuck, and so hereby cry out for help ...On the internet I come across things like RRAD or sssad or OSC, but am not really sure what they are, and i usually try to (at least during the learning process) use built in objects and my own patching rather than blindly using better patchers systems and libraries....
Can anyone help me? is there an object or trick (something tells me there might be a solution in arrays) or patching system to be able to save many values (in GUIs but also number boxes) for chosen parameters, without loosing abtraction and dollarsigns structure? If using externals like ssad is really necesary, which should i chose? ......
this is my first post in this forum, hope it's not misplaced.... if i can help anyone, i'm more keen on granular synthesis and audiodigitals than pd~, but hey...
hey there,
ok i'm on mac, using OSCeleton to translate kinect data to osc. i followed this tutorial (sureley it's easier on pc): http://tohmjudson.com/?p=30
once you have osc running download my patch and it should work... -
ok here is the patch.
this is to receive the osc from OSCeleton, denormalise it, and extract individual parameters to describe movement. it'd take a while to explain each parameter, so i'll do it if you ask.
hope this helps, tell me if you use it i'd be curious.
cheers -
for an installation help, if you're on mac, try this great tutorial:
i found homebrew to work better than macports. the final step is for max/msp, but same logic in pd~.
i'd be glad to send you an example patch, it just depends on what you're looking for. anyways if you're going to use squeleton tracking you're going to have to do the calibration pose for a few seconds, so that won't help you ...
tell me if you want a patch anyways, or just how to receive the osc message in pd~.
good luckgab
maelstorm you are one hell of an administrator. thanks.
hey again,
i can't seem to attach the patch directly here (don't know why) ...
so here's my mail, send me one and i'll send you the patch. -
thanks. here's the patch.
so it's a demo patch, simplified to one unit of each device. it's not the exact patch i used for the videos, but a later more complete version. it's not debugged because i'm working on new chains of comand and gesture recognition, and there's a readme only for the patch which might interest you: there's one patch ("mud") which is a granular sampler, and another one ("metakin") which receives, translates, and dispatches the osc data from osceleton.
please let me know if you use this patch or part of it, or if you modify, debugg, or enhance it.
hey buscon,
here's a copy of a mail i sent a friend, and the corresponding patches.
you can see these patches being used here:
(original mail)
ok here's a simplified version of the patch i use. i've just modified the "mud" patch and haven't checked it all, so there are bugs and errors everywhere, but i guess you're just interested in the abs which receive and dispatch the data from kinect.so the kinect is received by osceleton and what i get in pd is osc messages. basically it's x, y, and z coordinates for each point of the body. so you'll be interested in the patches "kinector" and "shooter".
- it translates the osc into data that the granular sampler "mud" can understand (0 to 1 linear).
- move the horizontal sliders to chose a user and a joint.
- toggle from "value" to "CC". in X Y and Z type a sending chanel number. in the granular patch, toggle from value to CC, so you can affect a receiving chanel number for each automatisable parameter.
- hit the "learn" buton and then cover with your body the area you wish to use. this sets minimums and maximum for each axis. if you want to calibrate the whole body at ounce first select "all_joints". hit the "learn" buton again to end calibration. body motion is now active.
- the toggle on the top right activates remote sound control for the "learn" function, for if you work alone. enable it, use the vertical slider to choose the gate for incoming volume. stand at your starting point, and clap or scream. calibrate, and clap again.
- if you toggle from "abs" to "rltv", instead of calibrating the movement of each joint in absolute space it will consider their relative distance to the torso joint. the advantage of this is one movement will have the same effect wherever you are positioned in the space.
- you save, open, and load presets as textfiles on your drive. you can save presets for the whole patch on the top right of the master patch.
- basically the same as kinector, but used for one-shots instead of continuous changes.
- chose a user, a joint, an axis, and a direction
- type a chanel cumber where it says CC
- in "time", type a time in miliseconds. everytime a joint passes a chosen point in space in a chosen direction, it will output a line from 0 to 1 in the chosen time.
- calibrate in the same way. you can use "all_joints" too bu there's a huge error somewhere so if you do first toggle to "value".
- same as kinector for the rest.
ok here you go. i don't know how much you know pd, so that's why i explained as much as i could. these patches are absolutely not clean, they're my first ideas since i got the kinect, and i'm working on more to have one tight patch in the end (including speed detection, movement prevision to compensate latency, etc ... ).
ok hope this helps.if you have trouble using the "mud" patch let me know. if you are going to use the patch, please let me know and make sure you mention it's mine.
hey here are vids of me using kinect with pure data. first results, but it's getting there. if you want to use my patches or need help with installation or anything, let me know
sure, good luck .... i had trouble with macports and had to install homebrew. tell me if anything
i got kinect wroking with pd via osceleton on my macbook in a few hours. it's easy and precise, and you get x,y, and z coordinates for each articulation in osc to use directly in pd. if anyone's interested, just follow this tuto
any questions please ask
never tried TUIO, but i have osceleton working on my macbook pro really smooth. you get x, y, and z for each articulation of each user, in OSC to use directly in pd. follow this tutorial and it should work in a few hours. any questions ask me
hello there,
without any background at all, i got skeleton tracing from kinect working with puredata in a day. so yes it's possible, yes it's precise, and yes it's for mac (i have it working for snow leopard).
here are great instructions, that work everytime. homebrew IS better in this case than macports. if you have any question about it ask mecheers
ok i thought you were serious about it. a career in new media or something? pd is great for its philosophy and no doubt more people will get into it .... dsp and audio analysis is way out of reach for me, but i guess it must be a blast ...
if you do have a working patch somewhere as example i'd love it ....
my next chalenge (a few hours away, i'll go buy the beast today) is to use the kinect for xbox with pd for contemporary dance projects .... if it's too big for me alone i might have to find asociates ...
well thanks for all the help and the tips,
you can check some sounds of mine, entirely made with an earlier version of my patch, here : www.myspace.com/gabriellecupcheers
hello there,
thank you so much, i finally got a first rough version of a complete production patch working. i have to update the envelope generators ("toing") and the sequencer, but it all seems to work ...
i had trouble using the ldirty 0( message, so i installed version 0.42.5-extended and now it works .
still have to find a way to initialise each unit of the "mud" patch properly (for now the master patch is slow until you move the "select" slider (where it says parameters) across for each unit of "mud"), and as i said update and review the envelopes and sequencer, but everything works fine, even controled by my BCF2000 .so thanks, as you got me through all those problems. here is the temporary version of the patch. i'll make sure i post it with a tutorial ounce it's clean, and i'll let you know ... just out of curiousity: what do you use pd for? are you a musician? i mean if you know so much about pd you must be making great patches ...
hello there,
haven't been able to work for a while, but i'm back to that same patch ...
i've used all your tips with donecanvasdialog and a switch on the main patch, and it all seems to work fine (until now) . i just have a little problem with it: every time i close the master patch pd asks me if i want to save each unit of that "mud" patch where i use donecanvasdialog. i guess it's understandable as this is a building function, but is there any way around this? it's a hastle having to save every time ...