• fwaa

    Hi all,

    I can't seem to get my external USB microphone working in Pd in OSX 10.5.4.
    It is recognised in System Prefs and can see the levels. In Puredata it can see the inputs/outputs for the USB sound card but I can't switch the audio on / get it working. Tested on a basic patch with adc -> dac and still doesn't work. Tested on multiple computers and same thing, no dice :(

    If anyone knows how to fix that'd be awesome.

    ~ fwaa.

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  • fwaa

    Hi all!

    Just getting started with Pd so I've run into a few problems.

    I have a microphone input which I then need FFT results for which will then be sent through OSC to Processing.

    So far I have OSC working, and the FFT output triggered by a bang/metronome.
    What I need to know is how to get the 'amp' array from my FFT output connected to the OSC send command input. Currently I have it print~ing but can't get it to connect.

    Also when I try and add multiple input devices I get this error:
    separate audio device choice not supported\; using sequential devices.
    Can't seem to find a solution for it :(

    I've attached my file. Save me. Thanks!


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  • fwaa

    I assume you're sending it to Flash locally, maybe your OSC IP is wrong (in your connect object). Should be not if sending locally. I think. =D Let us know if that works.

    ~ fwaa.

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  • fwaa

    Thanks for the heads up I'll play around with [pack~]

    In the meantime I managed to get it working with [tabwrite~]

    Found the example here:

    File attached for anyone interested.

    Still get the "separate audio device choice not supported\; using sequential devices." error though when I try and add multiple input devices.


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  • fwaa

    Yeah I know I've been using the Ess library so far but the problem is it can only take one microphone input (the default) [same with ALL other libraries as this is a limitation of JavaSound implementation and hence all Prcoessing sound libraries) . Hence why I've shifted to Pd for the FFT on multiple mics which I'll then hopefully OSC into Processing.

    So instead of [print~ amp], how do i get amp stored into a variable (which will then be sent through OSC)?

    Thanks for the suggestions though, but there's a reason for me stepping outside the bounds of Processing. =D


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!