This is my first post, please excuse any forum faux pas.
I am building a connector for PD to communicate with an external application running on another system. I am using netsend to craft UDP packets that the remote application can parse for actions. The payload is supposed to look sort of like this:
(STRING,STRING,INTEGER,INTEGER,STRING,INTEGER)Initially I was unable to get commas into the netsend stream because PD uses commas as in internal delimiter. I was able to circumvent this by using the cyclone external's 'sprintf' function. Like this:
|netsend|this almost works, except that pd inserts whitespace characters after the commas, which the remote application doesn't understand.
I noticed that 'print' actually puts a space before and after the commas, whereas netsend (or sprintf) only puts one after the commas.
Does anyone know how to circumvent this behavior? Or, perhaps a simpler way to achieve what I am trying to do?
Thank you.
OSC may be an option in the not too distant future, however, this particular project is dependent on doing it over UDP. :/
Thanks for the suggestion!