• Flip15

    Can anyone help -

    I'm trying to utilize motion capture areas, by way of having a small number of small boxes in the Gem window which, when they recognise movement, will begin tasks such as recording video.
    The purpose for this is to allow a user to start and stop recording a video clip, which will then be mixed back alongside a live webcam stream. Almost like a sort of video based loop sampler.

    I have a patch for motion capture; which allows the user to move a 3D ball along the screen by waving their hands through one of two boxes (one box instigating the ball moving left, and the other it moving right). However, as I do not fully understand the patch, I'm struggling to adapt it for my project.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Flip15

    I'm fairly new to pd, and I'm not sure if I'm being ultimately stupid but...

    I can't find a decent patch for simply looping a video that I've placed on a gemhead chain (with pix_film)?

    My goal is to create a project whereby live video from a webcam is mixed with a pre-recorded video clip (chosen at random from a bank of videos) which will play on a loop. In order for the user to interact with a looping, pre-recorded, video clip.

    I'm not sure if I've been able to explain coherently the idea that is in my head, but I initially need help with just simply looping a video.

    ANY help is welcome, cheers.

    posted in pixel# read more
  • Flip15

    I'm struggling to be able to use one webcam input through two different gemheads.

    Ie, to mix together two different versions of video from the same webcam input.

    Anyone have any tips?


    posted in technical issues read more
  • Flip15

    Cheers man, that was a massive help.

    My next problem is to integrate motion capture areas, as little boxes in the gem window, which when activated by the user, will begin video recording/playback/looping.

    guido, I don't suppose you have any knowledge on motion captures areas I could use? :D


    posted in pixel# read more
  • Flip15

    thechainsaw, just came across this topic. Have you managed to make this work for Pd? It sounds very similar to something I'm working on and I'm struggling at the moment.


    posted in pixel# read more

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