• fjern

    Hi! I'm new to both PD and OSC.

    I have a Kinect for Windows (haven't gotten into the SDK too much yet), and I would like to track my hands' x/y/z values, and convert them to OSC, and then to MIDI for Ableton Live.

    I was able to achieve this functionality on my old desktop computer, using NI Mate or OSCeleton+Kinectar, but neither of my laptops are able to even launch NI Mate or OSCeleton at all. Synapse doesn't work with Kinect for Windows.

    Anyway, following this PD/OSC->MIDI tutorial and KinectCapture2, I'm able to print all of my joints' OSC values in one big mess, like this:

    print: ElbowLeft 434634 -0.523579 -0.230422 1.048
    print: WristLeft 434634 -0.427409 -0.331137 0.867697
    print: HandLeft 434634 -0.395352 -0.364708 0.811469
    print: ShoulderRight 434634 -0.168635 -0.138769 0.894166

    So, from what I understand, it's printing out Joint string, skeleton int, and joint's x/y/z float.

    My current PD patch is this:

    import mrpeach

    udpreceive 7110
    routeOSC /joint

    I've tried placing "routeOSC /HandRight" under "routeOSC /joint", and I've also tried typing "routeOSC /joint /HandRight", but then it doesn't print anything.

    Even though I'm new to all of this, it sounds like it shouldn't be too difficult to pull off. Hope you're able to help me out!

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  • fjern

    Now that I'm able to process my hand's position values, it would be nice to have them control the mouse cursor. I'm able to display my cursor's X and Y position, but I can't figure out how to control it using my hand's values.

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  • fjern


    PD is now taking my hand's position, translating the OSC to MIDI, and sending the MIDI to Ableton Live via LoopBE!

    I'm taking the CC values of 0-127 and converting them to note data in Ableton Live, just like I was able to do with my NI Mate setup + MIDI VST plugins: http://kristiansmusicproductionblog.com/using-kinect-and-windows-speech-recognition-to-control-ableton-live-or-any-other-sequencer/ (headline 3.3)

    I'm sure there are further improvements to be made, but it's a working starting point.


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  • fjern

    Nice! That worked.

    I've now managed to control two sliders, one horizontal and one vertical, nicely displaying the X and Y positions of my right hand. Shouldn't be too difficult to have them output MIDI CC to a virtual MIDI port now. Cool!

    Is there a way to adjust the sliders' range through the GUI, rather than right-clicking them, choosing properties, and having to enter it manually each time?

    Also, it would be cool to have a circle's size change depending on Z position. Shouldn't be too difficult, now that I have the Z value ready to use. It's probably to come in the Getting Started tutorials I'm going through now. PD is already awesome!

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  • fjern

    That did the trick! Thanks, Gromit!

    So now, only the right hand values are being printed to the console. It would be nice to view the x/y/z values separately, and have sliders with adjustable ranges.

    I think it's best if I look deeper into PD's "getting started" tutorials, and read more in general on OSC, and I'll let you know if I get stuck.

    Eventually, I'm hoping to create a small interactive setup using Ableton Live for music and something like Processing or vvvv for visuals. Would be really cool to have something people could just walk over to in public and interact with.

    Edit: I just discovered the OSC section in the help browser.

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