• evaekblad

    Thanks David, I'll give it a look and run through it! However I have a feeling that there must be something I'm doing at my end that's causing the problem - from that page it seems like StandardFirmata should theoretically work, but it's not doing that when I implement it. I thought others might have experienced this problem, but perhaps there aren't that many people still using Pduino in 2019!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • evaekblad


    I'm trying to get PDuino working in a setup where I have Arduino reading an analog input and also controlling a relay on the digital output. I have tried the StandardFirmata sketch for Arduino but it doesn't seem to be able to read the analog input with this sketch (it controls the digital output no problem with this however). When I use the AllInputsFirmata instead, it reads the analog inputs just fine but I'm getting no response on the digital outputs.

    Is there perhaps something where you can't use analog inputs and digital outputs at the same time? Could I be doing something else wrong? I've tried all the other Firmata sketches that come with the Pduino setup files (out of desperation!) but with no success. Any help greatly appreciated!

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!