• eriqk

    Have you tried switching using a hradio, like in the help file?

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  • eriqk

    I didn't notice the attached patch until now. Much more compact and elegant than the metro solution I tried (although that may have the benefit of messing with frame rates). It works deliciously. Thanks!

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  • eriqk

    Thanks, I'll try that.

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  • eriqk

    Rather than starting a new thread, I'll post this here.
    It would appear that on pd-extended for Debian Squeeze as well as Ubuntu Lucid, Gem won't loop videos. After playing once, a white square appears, just like the OP mentioned.

    It doesn't really matter what type of video- mjpeg avi or mov, mp1, 2 or 4, dv, big, small, whatever, nothing will loop. The weird thing is that it used to work on the same hardware on older versions of the OSses.

    Here's the patch. It's the bog standard pix_film patch.

    The vj-mixer won't work at all, by the way. It dies the moment the fader is moved.


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