• effarga

    Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to use Pd with Jack. A bit of searching revealed that I needed to start jack first, then run Pd with the -jack flag. However, if I try "pd -jack" nothing happens. Do I need to apply a patch?

    Also, I downloaded 0.4.0 from Miller Puckette's website, but in the about section of Pd it says 0.38. Is this normal?

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  • effarga

    Ah! Thank you very much, that worked perfectly, I can use jack now.

    Also, I'm new to linux, so this is a good way for me to learn about it. Thanks for the help!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • effarga

    Thank you, that should prove to be helpful. However, my media list only has ALSA and OSS listed; jack isn't an option. Any ideas what I should do?

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Internal error.

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