• duncan_speakman

    Hi all,

    We're running Pd 0.43 on a Gumstix Overo Airstorm with Cortex A8
    architecture, using Linaro 12.02 distribution (which is based on
    Ubuntu 11.10 )
    Pd seems to be working but audio input and output is displaying
    strange behaviours and processing artifacts.
    Simple osc~ objects play their tones at half pitch, and when we run
    audio into it in realtime ( connecting adc~ direct to dac~ ) we
    experience both lower pitch and time granulation. CPU usage reads less
    than 2%.

    Samplerate is 44100 and blocksize is currently at 1024 (anything lower
    than this creates crackling, and causes CPU usage to jump to 80%)

    Does anyone here know if this CPU is just unable to process floating
    point data at the speed required by Pd, or whether there are some
    processing settings/ priority settings or a different kind of kernel
    that would allow Pd to run correctly on this platform.
    We're surprised it's not working as we know PDlib runs fine on the
    iPhone for instance. We've already successfully run PDa on a Gumstix
    Verdex but really want to move to full Pd to get around the
    limitations of PDa.

    any thoughts or suggestion welcome,
    we're getting desperate!


    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!