• dnk777

    hi boonier,
    thanks for the patch. could you please explain how exactly it works? because i might be wrong, but it seems incorrect to me.
    There is a [== 248] object and [t b b] after it.
    From what i understand, the == object doesn't send bangs to the outputs, but 0s (if not equal) or 1 (if equal), so the [t b b] object is banged (with zero) even if you receive other than 248 (=clock) midi message from the [midirealtimein] ??

    could you (or sombody) explain it to me, please?

    i'm very confused as i'm unable to find documentation for "midiin" and for "midirealtimein". when i right click and choose help, it opens a help page where these objects are not mentioned.

    (i'm having troubles syncing two of my patches on two machines using midi clock in/out. on receiving the clock, i seem to be receiving more bangs per measure than i expect and i'm getting out of sync because of it.)

    thanks and regards

    edit: I am in windows os, so the midirealtimein should work...

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