• distinct smell

    Anyone have any experience retuning midi notes in Pd?
    I'm working on a patch to re-map my midi-usb keyboard to play microtones (31-limit just intonation). Despite being somewhat of a novice, I was able to get this patch to work using oscillators/noise objects going through bp filters (borrowing heavily from another person to make it polyphonic. I can share that patch too if it would help). It's pretty cool, but ultimately, I'd like to play midi notes instead.

    Everything I know about midi is very vague, so initially I just plugged the frequency number box into an ftom object. That's the state it's in now; just playing the nearest-pitched equal-tempered note.

    But I did some research and now I have some questions: specifically, how do I send pitch-bend info along with the other note messages? Do I need a tuning dump first? Am I on the right track? Is this even possible?

    The midi instrument I'm using for now is SimpleSynth, if that is important.


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  • distinct smell

    Ok, I answered my own question again; figured out the proper range of bendout and it works like a charm. I still need to tweak it as far as bend amount and other things go, but thank you for the help.

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  • distinct smell

    Thanks Shawn! Your patch was very helpful. I now have each voice on a separate channel with bendout data going through the correct channels simultaneously (I think that's all working).

    However, I'm still having trouble getting bendout to work. I got it to work once or twice (not knowing what I was doing exactly) but now that I think I may have the input value right... it just doesn't do anything. (and therefore, I can't tell if the values are actually right). Here's the patch in it's current form. Any ideas?


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  • distinct smell

    Ahh, so I just discovered the bendout object. I will experiment more with this, but is it possible to use this on individual notes, or on multiple notes with different bend-values simultaneously?

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Internal error.

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