• Delaware

    I'm looking to use a 2D array but can't figure out how. I'd like to have two columns or rows of data read from a text file and put into a 2D array.

    x1 y1
    x2 y2
    x3 y3

    Any tips?

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  • Delaware


    I'm following a PD tutorial and I'm running into sound problems. Here is the example that gives problems:


    The dac~ object is causing clicks and pops. It's not at a regular interval, just when i move windows around or switch workspaces.

    I'm using PD with Jack. This problem goes away when I just use ALSA but I'd really like to keep using Jack. I'm not getting any xruns. What setting should I fiddle with in the Jack options? In PD there is are many A/D/A sync errors

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  • Delaware

    Here are some Jack settings i tried. good = no clicks or pops. However, the latency isn't satisfactory for any of the settings that worked. Any ideas?

    priority 60 60 60 60
    frames/period 1024 1024 512 512
    sample rate 44100 44100 44100 96000
    periods/buffer 2 3 3 4
    latency 46.4 69.7 34.8 21.3
    good good good good

    priority 60 60 60 60
    frames/period 256 256 256 256
    sample rate 44100 44100 44100 44100
    periods/buffer 3 4 5 6
    latency 17.4 23.2 29 34.8
    bad bad bad bad

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!