• davysumner

    Perhaps also worth noting....I have TimbreID working with Extended on Mac...no dice getting it to work with Vanilla or l2ork

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  • davysumner

    Hi All,

    Thank you for the replies!
    Just to clarify--I have TimbreID working well on my Mac, but having issues getting it going on the Rpi3. Running Pd-l2ork on the Pi, and slightly confused at the right procedure to install timbreID externals. @EEight, are you referring to compiling timbreID itself, or PD from source?

    Thanks again!

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  • davysumner

    Is it possible that TimbreID only works with Extended? I have TimbreID working well with Extended on my MacBook, but can't get TimbreID to load in Vanilla or L2-ork on the Mac...strange...

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  • davysumner

    Hi All,

    I am having an issue installing the timbreID externals in Pd-l2ork on Raspberry Pi 3. Is it true that I need to point some "Makefile" to PD's source? I have added the timbreID folder to PD's startup paths, but it still does not recognize any of the timbreID objects. Any advice on how to properly install it? Thanks in advance! (Found an ancient thread on this on the forums, but wasn't able to gain any useful tips there).

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  • davysumner

    Hi All,

    Anyone have a good way of converting a "standard" encoder (sending out 0-127) into an endless encoder? Is there a way to detect if the numbers are ascending or descending (tried "edge", etc. with no luck).


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  • davysumner

    Also, would be interested in any other ways to get "audio" such as a square wave output from PD to the Pins of an Arduino (i.e. ways that don't involve Pduino, if there are any).

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  • davysumner

    Dear Forum,

    Experienced PD user, intermediate Arduino user here.

    My goal is to send several different frequency square waves (to be used as "on" and "off" signals for a circuit) to various output pins on an Arduino.

    I am up and running using the Pduino library, and have PD and Arduino talking to each other.

    However, I am not able to output audio-rate signals to any Arduino pins. For example, sending a square~ into an appropriately timed snapshot~ to output 0's and 1's to Arduino pins yields random clicking/sputtering Arduino output, rather than the expected steady square wave tone at any freq.

    My arduinos play a square wave out through the pins just fine when using the Arduino IDE...so, what am I missing in the communication between Arduino and PD/Pduino? A speed issue?

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

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