• cygnal

    Under Windows, I've been having troubles with ASIO applications not being able to access external USB soundcard for various reasons.

    0.43.3 version of PD is an exception in that it doesn't have a problem opening the soundcard in ASIO mode.

    0.44.0 doesn't list any device when switched to ASIO, and gives error ("audio stuck...")

    What has changed in this respect? It would also help me for other applications.

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • cygnal


    I have searched a bit for the error, but no luck.

    I have a problem with GEM rendering.

    I am using PD-vanilla and manually extracted GEM on Windows 7 64.

    GEM loads fine.

    But GEM window doesn't render, not even examples.

    I am using pd 0.43.3 and gem 0.93.3.

    Sometimes, it gives the error: no valid video backend, and also something about SampleGrabber, but it doesn't always write this.

    Anything about this known?

    posted in pixel# 12 years agoread more
  • cygnal


    I have searched a bit for the error, but no luck.

    I have a problem with GEM rendering.

    I am using PD-vanilla and manually extracted GEM on Windows 7 64.

    GEM loads fine.

    But GEM window doesn't render, not even examples.

    I am using pd 0.43.3 and gem 0.93.3.

    Sometimes, it gives the error: no valid video backend, and also something about SampleGrabber, but it doesn't always write this.

    Anything about this known?

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • cygnal

    Apparently, none of my OpenGL applications work (in window mode, at least)

    I have read, and witnessed myself, that it is because "Aero" theme isn't selected, i.e. desktop composition feature is turned off. Is this a Windows bug, or OpenGL bug, or a standard/compatibility/specification issue?

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • cygnal


    the GEM rendering on pd-extended does not work either. Neither does it work on the latest version of pd vanilla.

    If I type "pd.exe -verbose" in cmd, I don't get any info. But if I type "pd -verbose", it does write some output, like saying it can't find "gem.conf".

    What's the difference between pd.exe and pd (which presumably is pd.com)? They seem to use different configuration...

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!