• creatique


    I'm new to Pure Data and have been learning more about its possibilities through tutorials. The one I worked off of for this project was created by Shaun Farley. http://designingsound.org/2013/04/pure-data-wavetable-synth-part-1/

    The instructions were pretty easy to follow but its pretty extensive. I've made it through part 7 of 8. I'm still experimenting and am pretty sure I need to debug some code (likely in the Modulation shape and/or ADR controllers) but I'm learning and that's the whole point right now.

    You'll need a MIDI controller and at least one sound file to import for sampling. I worked between several sound files to make sure it was working.

    The attached zip folder contains the parent file and two secondary pd files.

    Hope someone else benefits from this information!


    posted in patch~ read more
Internal error.

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