• chrisdrums

    Hey guys,
    I'm new to this forum (and to puredata) so forgive me if I ask you some nooby shit.
    Using PD for a uni project and I am finding it a little hard to get used to. I'm essentially wanting to make an Aphex twin style beat warper, (a good example of what I want to do) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kJbOrFKSnTg/StsjkEBCAnI/AAAAAAAAALA/wg3bnbGO5FM/s1600-h/beatmangle3.png
    There is also a video of this thing working but I can't find the link.

    Right now my patch is more or less just randomly changing the playhead position, I realise that I need to give the patch some way of dividing up the bars and beats and intelligently pick spots to play and "warp". Not sure if that poor description helps but If you have any kind of advice I will be greatful to hear it, Much love

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