• charing

    @EEight Finally, it works! Thank you!
    With [block~], I converted the signal to an array quickly, and saved the array to a file. Problem is solved.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • charing

    Thanks. I've tried [black~]. But it doesn't works.
    When I set the [block~], the processing did speed up. But the file exported file is short.
    The duration of the source wave file is 10 seconds. The duration of the exported file is 5seconds. But what I want is just short process time. For example, I can convert a large file in 2seconds or less.

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  • charing

    I am a beginner of pure data. I want to process the wave file with a variety of effects after recording it.
    Now i can read the wave file to a signal array, and play it with some effects through [dac~]. When I want to save the signal array to a file I use [writesf~]. As I understand the [writesf~] function save signal to a file with the same speed as play the signal with [dac~]. Is the some faster function to save signal to file? Some function like exporting a file.

    posted in technical issues read more

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