• Ceri

    Im running a motion and colour detection patch using the video to create it's own piece of music. BUt I want to create a sequence so that say at two minutes it only detects for red pixels for example, or at three minutes I want to by-pas some midi sends I have working. That sort of thing. Can any one help pease. I'm not great a building patches, and this is really slowing me sown.

    Thanks Guys


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  • Ceri

    I'm studying for a masters degree @ the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, and have recently become a convert to pd.

    I am curently getting material together for a presentaton and I just wanted to know what other people are using it to create. I'm writing an electro acoustic piece with audio and video at the mo.


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  • Ceri


    Thank you so much, as usual you have given loads to think about.

    I am extreamily grateful


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  • Ceri


    Sorry I haven't written for a while, actually been having a holiday which has been nice.

    I'd just like to say thanks for your help so far with everything, I gave my presentation a few weeks ago and it seemed to go well. I am now completing my module with an essay, and was going to focus on the community surrounding pd so that means you guys.

    I'm new to the idea of open source software, and the free sharing of information that goes on in these communities. I was wondering why it was that you think Pd has been kept as a free piece of software and not been bought and developed in the way MAX has been.

    To me it seems to allow greater development, as more people can have a go at providing useful tools. Rather than just a selected few who develope the program their way and to their specification.

    How important as a user do you feel your contributions are to the future developement of the programme. And what does the PD community mean to you.

    I have found you all really helpful and just want to say thanks again as I have asked you loads of questions in the past month or so.

    Hope you all well have fun


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  • Ceri

    obiwannabe, thanks for being so epful with all your postings you've been really helpful. and her coma few more Im really sorry I just trying to get a picture of how the program is developing and how its allowing the users to develope.

    as well as you computer sound design do you write music, and what kind of music did you write before pd and is it different to what you write now.

    I also have ben thinking about developers asnd users and what the differnece is between the two. Do you consider patching part of the compositional process or do you see it as an instrument to aid you creating the out come.

    Thanks for all this you reallf have bee amaxzing

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  • Ceri

    have any of you ever used net pd - sorry for all the questions just interested


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  • Ceri

    I was also wondering how using PD had changed your compositional process. I has forced me to look at mine. Well Pd and my lecture as I was a bit stuck in my way. As I create electoacoustic music therewas a definate process of collecting sound then manipulating them and then creating a piece of music. Now I am composing in rea time and just having to make on the spot decisions. The patches that I use are like instruments really and I have to play them in an interesting fashion to produce music

    I was wondering if using this kind of software had challenged anyone to change their working methods.

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  • Ceri

    Hi Alberto,

    Sorry I haven't relied to your post, Ive been eally busy with my degree work. Im inpressed to by pd's flexiblility, to begin with I found it very confussing though.

    What kind of music are you writing with pd at the moment? And do you just use it for music or have you explored its other possiblities

    thanks Ceri

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  • Ceri

    thanks everyone, I was just wondering how important the community around pd was to all of you as users, and why you like using something that is an open source piece of software - what benefits does it gve you as a composer. I know this is a bit rambly but Im really tired!! Thanks your all helping loads

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  • Ceri

    hey nick its ceri - Can may concert on Tuesday but the recon in the office its going to be great.

    What exactally are you planning to do then!

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  • Ceri

    Obiwannabe - Ive been pointed in the direction or your web site by my lecturer it looks cool what you do, how did you get into using pd for that?

    Hard off and domain have you got any music that I can check out and see what you doing plus I don't think I've ever heard grindcord before sounds interesting

    oh do you know if anyone is doing anything multimedia ish with pd

    thanks for your help

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