• caustic

    If I draw an grid using multiple curve objects. Is there any way to then turn that into a sheet. I thought doing |draw fill ( might do it but it just made everything disappear.



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  • caustic

    helllo again
    sorry to bother everyone.
    Does anyone know whether it is possible to produce a bang every sample i.e 44,100 bangs a second?
    thanks in advance


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  • caustic

    I'm trying to create a patch that will take all the parts of an audio file that are below a certain threshold and then put them into a continous stream i.e taking all the talking out of a radio broadcast so that all that is left is a continous stream of ambient noises.
    I've been trying to use threshold to spot sections of an audio file that are below a certain level and then trying to stitch them together but I just get a lot of clickyness and not much else.
    I think part of the problem might be that I don't fully understand the arguments passed to threshold~ (i.e [set 0 100 1 100<) but it might also be that I am trying to do this in a really foolish way.
    any help would be greatly appreciated



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  • caustic

    has anyone used this
    You seem to have to compile and install 'flext' so that you can use that to compile 'readanysf~'.
    I'm having crap loads of problems compiling and installing flext. I just can't do it.
    I'm using pd-extended 0.38.4 and realise that you have to have the pd source code to compile 'flext', for some reason, so I downloaded the source code for 0.38.4 and transplanted it into the contents of the pd-extended.app. Is thisa wrong.
    any tips would be loved with the intensity usually attributted to small warm furry creatures.



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  • caustic

    this may be the wrong section for this question, if it is I'm sorry.
    Is there a way in pure data to read data files and then play them as audio files.
    If not can anyone point me in the right direction to information about this kind of thing.
    If you could it would be super rad.

    thank you



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  • caustic

    I've included part of a patch that I'm working on.
    ok so first I've used bonk ~ and some stuff to record the hit points within a main sample array.
    This points are recorded into the array which I've included in the patch below.
    I then wanted to take the value of a certain index point (the number would come in through the inlet) out of an array and the value of the next index point (+ 1) do a calculation on these two figures to find out how long it will take to play between these two values. Finally use the values from the array and the calculated value to send a message to a [tabread4~] object to play that hit.
    The problem I'm having is that the data coming into the [pack f f f] object is out of sync I think so it rarely plays the hit.
    Is there something I can do to fix this.
    My plan was to have four instances of something running, within the patch, that each use a seperate one of this. The patch I made works on the first instance but when I copy and pasted it and changed some of the details of the objects to use it in the consecutive instances it doesn't work the same.
    I've heard stuff about copy and pasting chaing round the wiring (which object was wired to which first and stuff) is this the problem? if so how do I find out exactly how the wroking version is wired to copy that manually?
    Having said this there might be an altogether better way of doing this which I would be happy to hear.



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  • caustic

    does anyone have experience using bonk~ to slice breaks automatically.

    I have set up a patch that uses bonk to write the individual hits of a break to differnet arrays.
    however it occured to me that maybe this was a waste of space (data repeated in the main array holding the whole break and the other arrays holding the hits from said break) so I have changed the patch to record the points at which bonk~ was triggered into an array( like index 140 within the the main break array) but it sucks so so much ( the hits aren't tight at all and the result just sounds sloppy).
    Is this a stupid route to take or could someone give me some pointers.


    I apologise for the barrage of questions



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  • caustic

    does tabread4~ always start playing the array from 0 or can you tell it to start in other places. Say.... array index 450 or something.



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  • caustic

    I want to write a list of numbers to an array
    but in a dynamic way

    how can I set a message so that it says

    for example

    array1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

    where the numbers are selected at run time

    I can get a message to read

    array1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

    but I can't figure out how to get the ; in there

    Thanks for any help



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  • caustic

    error: stack overflow

    I keep getting this message when using a vradio gui object
    can anyone tell me why? is it bad? can I get rid of it?


    If I'm asking too many questions just tell me before I start pissing folk off.



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  • caustic

    can this be done

    i.e setting the upper and lower limits of a number object using a message (with the aim of being able to dynamically generate these things on the fly in response to BPM ( for a swing function on a )).

    Thank you for any help again



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  • caustic

    Hi hi
    yeah I'm new and stuff...
    so hi...

    I'm using bonk~ to break apart a drum loop into it's constituent parts
    and then write each resultent hit to a new array so I can play around with them.
    okay soooo....here's my problem.
    How can I increment the array name so I write each hit to a different array

    I'm trying to do this so far using [tabwrite~ $1-sample] and then incrementing $1 but it doesn't work or something. maybe I'm just doing it really wrong.

    any help would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks in advance

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  • caustic

    yeah I thought that might be the case but I was hoping it wasn't.
    oh well, if you do find a way to do this type of stuff in pure data I would be very interested and thankful.


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  • caustic

    yeah it not [msd] it's [msd3d] and there isn't an [msd~] object as far as I can see. It allows you to build 3D physical models in a mass-spring-damper kinda way (I think it was built based on the 'pmpd' objects). Then you can impart forces on the stucture. but the stucture only updates every bang so that's why I was asking about the bang. If there is a better way to do this I'm all ears.



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  • caustic

    yeah I kinda figured it would be pretty cpu intensive.
    I've been using the [msd] object but it progresses based on bangs. So I figured to get an audio output you would need to drive it at an audio rate. If your going to take the X, Y or Z axis as an output for audio then you need it to change 44, 100 times per second.
    If any of this is horribly wrong please correct me.
    also using realtime I get this kind of output;

    print: 0.067568
    print: 0.153757
    print: 0.0498228
    print: 0.137278
    print: 0.0575017
    print: 0.134686
    print: 0.0523023
    print: 0.137376
    print: 0.0514666
    print: 0.153755
    print: 0.0619482
    print: 0.150519
    print: 0.0491946
    print: 0.137736
    print: 0.0537912
    print: 0.128578
    print: 0.0459645
    print: 0.116833



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  • caustic

    I just tried that by making a wee patch that measures the time between bangs.
    It doesn't seem to respond to block sizes of under 64; it'll just keep putting out 1.45 as the time between bangs. If you increase block size past 64 then the time expands but nothing if the block size is lower 64.
    Have I done something wrong?


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  • caustic


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  • caustic

    yes it did help. works like a charm now.
    I didn't think of trying that



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  • caustic

    yr a god


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  • caustic


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!