• buzzelljason

    Hi all! I saw two posts about this earlier, which I think ended up being the result of a scripting error; I've included the link to both here:

    I am running Pure Data 0.51.4 on an RPI 3B+ (which I'm starting to think was my first mistake), and I am using the standard bc2835 Headphones hardware jack. The output works fine, and I can get sound running, but it will crash the patch after a minute and spit out this error:


    I also wanted to mention that I had a regular RPI3 running Pure Data before this, and never ran into this issue, so I'm wondering if this is specific to the B+. I saw that the xrun recovery bug was found, but I don't think this error has been solved yet, so at the very least, just want to bump this issue! Thank you in advance for any help!

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  • buzzelljason

    Hi all, I'm wondering if somebody could give me a clean way of figuring out how to compare an object (I don't know if it is a list, a symbol, or a message, and would love it if somebody could clear that up too) and bang if they are the same.
    Basically, I want my patch to select the correct audio device, which would be bcm2835 ALSA (hardware), but I don't know how to compare and bang if the output from route is the same. I've tried list-compare earlier, but the mismatch of types made me want to bang my head against a wall. Hopefully there is a better way in Pd, thank you!

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  • buzzelljason

    Never mind, I figured it out! The patch has to be in the among the mediasettings subdirectory, just didn't try that permutation yet. Thank you for all your help!

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  • buzzelljason

    Oh great, I didn't know it was that easy, but I'm still, as the kids say, "smooth braining" it; I seem to be having trouble getting Pure Data to recognize any of the new objects. Right now I'm working on Windows: should I put my patch in a specific directory or something? The externals are located in /Documents/Pd/externals, and successfully downloaded, while my patch is currently on Desktop, but I've tried a variety of different combinations, all to no avail.

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  • buzzelljason

    Oh great, this is exactly what I'm looking for! I was wondering though, I've seen the object [mediasettings] and [audiosettings] before, but Pure Data doesn't recognize these objects. Is this something that Vanilla doesn't have, or is it supposed to be a subpatch that I need to download? Thank you again for your help!

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  • buzzelljason

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if there was a way in Vanilla to tell Pure Data which audio output you want, instead of pd audio-dialog's indexing, or if there was a way to ensure that the ordering of audio hardware is consistent every time the patch loads. The problem is that one of audio output devices is faulty in that it can't be chosen until all GUI loads (on a Raspberry Pi 3, to be specific), so I need to stay on one device and then flip to the right one later. Thank you for your help!ref.png

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!