Hello all,
I am running pd on ubuntu 11.10, I am having trouble/confusion on how to use the makenote and noteout objects. I think my problem is that I need a midi "program?" that will take the noteout and play it?
I think I just need to install a simple midi keyboard in the software center?
I have a number box that varies in value, I am trying to state in the pd language that "if this number box's value is this, then bang X".
so if my number modulo 4 equals 1 I want it to bang a different number box changing the speed of a metro.
If this is confusing, please ask me and i will try to re-word it, or upload a patch explaining what I mean.
I am currently in class and we have started a unit on using pure data extended. I am running ubuntu 11.10 and cannot find a release for my build. Does anyone know a solution to this or if I can possibly run a older ubuntu pd release on my current version?
I currently have the pd from the software center but it is not pd extended and does not have a few of the stuff the teachers has, which i am guessing i have the not extended version.
Thanks in advance,
Ok so what I have is VMPK, which when in my pd patch will pick up the note I send to note out. So now comes another problem, how do I now get VMPK to play the note? Is there a better program to use that will take the midi input and play a note?
From that site I get a file that does not open in ubuntu software center. I can find a seperate download in the software center but it is only pd not extended
I cannot even install pd extended for a lesser version of ubuntu than mine. I try to download and run it in ubuntu software center but it ends up doing absolutely nothing. I click install the button turns grey and nothing...