• border

    Just to mention that while using the pd-extended package for ubuntu 10.04 in 10.10, using mrpeach external does not work completely. I can udpreceive, unpackOSC and routeOSC OSC messages from my monome 40h. But I cannot send any messages back using packOSC and udpsend (while having the udpsend object connected).

    Maybe I should wait for the ubuntu 10.10 64bit version since I cannot install the 32bit one available.
    But it's kind of annoying knowing that my patches worked before upgrading to 10.10.

    posted in extra~ read more
  • border

    I don't think the warning is fatal.
    I'll be the initialisation error.
    What I can make of it is that you are trying to load a max object?
    It seems it cannot load it.

    Could be wrong though, not that much into errors and warnings ;)

    posted in extra~ read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!