• bizarrr

    Hi all !

    I 'm use to create boxes automatically with this method:

    [obj 200 50 spigot(

    Is there a way to delete it, or other boxes automatically?
    Thanks a lot for your precious help !!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • bizarrr

    Hi !

    I 've a kind of weird problem with Gem on Ubuntu...
    I try to get my video alpha layer with the classical way:

    [rectangle 4 3]

    It works on Windows (I 've got the transparency), but nothing on Linux.
    I try with several codecs (Qt PNG/Animation ....) but it still does'nt work ...
    Any ideas to resolve this problem?...
    Thanks a lot !

    posted in pixel# read more
  • bizarrr

    great thanks for you tips !!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • bizarrr

    yeah I tried with pix_film, but it still not working ...

    posted in pixel# read more
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