I'm trying to buid a simple external, so I began with the tutorial "how to write an external for puredata". I'm working on Windows XP and, so far, the Borland CCode builder. Since I couldn't avoid errors on that system (I'm not an expert) I found another tutorial basically focused on environment issues:
"How to make your first PureData External “Hello World” The easy way" on the lillychalaudio site. So I installed DEV-C++, downloaded and unzipped "Pd-0.43.4-extended-windowsxp-i386" but at this point I was not able to find the file PD.lib in the PD folder. I tried to compile even without that file and got an array of linker errors. May be I'm missing something (besides pd.lib) and someone before me has met this problem and can give me some hints about it.
Any help will be appreciated -
I installed pd extended 0.42.5 and everything went well. Pd.lib present in the \bin folder. should I post this on some other branch of the forum? Thanks