Well, we have to go though worksheets first, 8 of them to learn about object (metro, mtof, bang,etc....). Before the leslie speaker we had to do simple synthesis and simple sampler.
This is the first assignment for the Pure data Module. The helpsite help me to understand a little bit. But I am still struggling to do the auto pan and the effect of a leslie speaker (the sound is lounder when the horn is positioned in front of the audience).
Our teacher also want us to have 2 different spead for the 2 speaker. (there is a crossover)
Thank you very much
PS : I think once you get your hand on pure data, it is logical.
maybe, kent university ? so struggling with Pure data, and because English isn't my first langage the help files doesn't help me at all.
I got the same to do for my university and I simply dont understand Pure data, im struggling to do my leslie speaker. Have you found some tips ?