Thank you Whale-av for input.
I got it working on Volca sample but now I have to implement the knowledge on other volca's.
I was thinking ahead how to send midi signal from pd to different M-Audio midi outputs. -
Dear PD community, could somebody explain MIDI CC messaging to Volca sample or similar . I use M-audio midi-usb converter. The patch with ctlout seems to be working. The led lights up on the M- audio device, but Volca is not reacting. It is hard to test the MIDI channels because it has only MIDI-in connection and it is hard (at least for me) to understand the official MIDI Implementation Chart (https://cdn.korg.com/us/support/download/files/9bdc4997e44b7e96e771f612e06a90e5.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename*%3DUTF-8''volca_sample_MIDIChart_E.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf%3B).
There are some tutorials and it seems to be working here: http://filipe-teixeira.com/electronic-music/volca-resources/volca-sample-tutorial-5-midi-and-external-automation/
I wanted to load maximum 8 simultaniosly playing videos on GEM window, but the PD crashes and playback starts to slow down. Is there any method of preloading those videos into memory and then replacing them, so instead of 20 there would be only 8 of them loaded "in the system"? Maybe my hardware is limited for this kind of task?