This is my first post and my second patch so excuse me if my use of terms etc is illogical or incorrect. Not that good at math eitherTo the topic: I'm creating a sequencer that counts one semitone higher each step it takes. You can adjust the interval you want and to how many steps the octave is divided to. The point is to make a loop in which one can play different intervals upon each other from differently tempered octaves and so on. In this case there's just one.
The problem is that the counting thing won't reset even though I've set that the last step of the sequencer to send the start-up value to the begining of the equation. It just keeps counting higher and higher. How can I solve this and is there some standard method to reset things or send them "to the beginning"?
Sorry if this is too simple thing to ask. I've tried to browse the net for solution and tried various but they didn't work.
My patch is attached.
Thank you for your time
Thank you very much! I'll study that Pure data is just awesome.
I changed it that it sends the 220 to the first inlet of that float object at the last step of that 8-step sequencer. If I understood correctly that should override the already stored value(frequency)? It didn't still help! Sorry that it's quite messy looking patch because I put different send to each step even though it only needs two