• ATelichan

    Hi - I am writing my phd thesis at NYU on a comparative study of musical programming languages and the social structures that surround them. I am particularly interested right now in user community development.

    I am looking to interview someone who has experience making contributions to Pd through writing and contributing new objects or edits/extensions of existing functions.

    If you are interested, I’d like to hear about your experience in terms of the step-by-step process, from programming, test case reviewing, squashing (if that term applies), communications, etc. It would be preferred if you’ve gone through this process start to front.

    We can do the interview one-on-one remotely (around 30-40 minutes); email communications would be fine, too, if more comfortable. I will ask you to sign a consent form where you can specify if you would like to be identified in the context of the thesis or in further publications.

    Let me know if interested!

    posted in Off topic 5 years agoread more
  • ATelichan

    I am looking for a way to translate, capture and playback data from mouse movements.

    I found this Max tutorial describing essentially what it is I am trying to do. http://www.cycling74.com/docs/max5/tutorials/max-tut/datachapter03.html

    Wondering if this is possible in pd. Thanks!

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more

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