Thank you my friend but I don't think that I can do that. I use puredata only for audio. I need to play sound at least every 5 seconds.. So I don't know what to do.. However thank you for your time !
Thank you very much! that worked perfectly
I did everything that you said, but unfortunately nothing changed! Just to be sure that everybody understand my problem, that is the following :
The Pd-extended is very slow whenever I am trying to do something with the right click. ( properties / help ). It is like I run the program in an ancient pc and not on the last macbook pro. For example I move the mouse on the properties, and after 5-6 seconds the "properties" button is been lighted. Second example is that when I chanced the sample rate etc that you proposed me in your previous email, it took at least 10 seconds to close the "audio settings " window... Finally, just to mention that I use only an osc~ and some sliders... Not anything too heavy or complicating! -
Thank you David for the reply!
I'll search more about that but I posted here because I couldn't find anything before, and because I am in a situation that I need quick solution for the problem.
However, thank you very much! As for the sound card, I don't know the name but it is the standard macbook sound card -
Hello everyone,
I have problems with my Pd concerned on the speed of the reaction of the buttons. What I mean is that whenever I want to change the properties or to see the "help" list, my Pd delays a lot! It is going worst when I do the right clic more that 5-6 times.. I face that problem only on my computer ( Macbook pro , 8 gb ram , 512 ssd disk , OS X ) and not on the old computers of the laboratory in my department. Can anybody help me, because it is really frustrating and I spend more time in waiting the system to do my demand than in programming?
Thanks for your time ! -
Hello there,
I have the same problem with the Greek language. Do you know how can I fix that on Macbook pro ? ( OS X )