• amrak

    Hi, is posible to make a full screen, I try by making the dimen instruction but the image is not complete, the screen is bigger but the image is cut.


    posted in pixel# read more
  • amrak

    Hello, I'm new on gem, so maybe this is very simple to do, I read a PD tutorial on the web, I only want to play a video but just can't make it, here is what I have been doing, if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. the printer tells me this pix_filmDarwin: no method for 'symbol
    Here is the patch as the tutorial tells. And just dont work with me.

    [gemhead] [create(
    l l
    l {toggle} [gemwin]
    l l
    l /[auto $1(
    l {bang}
    [pix_film ]
    l l l
    l l {bang}
    l l
    l [unpack 0 0 0]
    l l l l
    l [0) [0) [0)
    [rectangle 4 3]

    The file that I want to open is .avi

    posted in technical issues read more
  • amrak

    I think that I have the same problem, but I really don't know what you are talking about, I'm new using pd and gem in general. So can you help me.

    posted in pixel# read more
  • amrak

    I found what was missing, here I send it if anyone have the same problem, here is how I found the solution.
    Now I have other problem, when the video is playing I see that the colors of the video are changing at green flash, does anybody know why it happen?, and how fix it


    Here is the new patch

    [gemhead] [create(
    l l
    l {toggle} [gemwin]
    l l
    l /[auto $1(
    l {bang}
    l l
    l [openpanel]
    l l
    l / [open $1(
    [pix_movie ]
    l l l
    l l {bang}
    l l
    l [unpack 0 0 0]
    l l l l
    l [0) [0) [0)
    [rectangle 4 3]

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!