• Alterscape

    I'm running PD-Extended on OS X. I'm using OSCulator to route data from wiimotes into a PD patch. The OSC addresses generated by OSCulator look like /wii/1/button/A, /wii/1/accel/pry, etc. I'd like to use a series of OSCroute objects to route

    [OSCroute /wii/1] -> [OSCroute /accel/pry /button/A] ... etc.

    but I find that OSCroute will not match routes where any element of the path starts with a number (it's documented in the OSCroute help!). There doesn't seem to be an option to change the naming convention for the OSC route names in OSCulator, so I'm not sure how to move forward. Thoughts?

    posted in extra~ read more

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