• alexkevans

    Pure Data Novice here - you might have to speak slowly to me, so to speak.

    I've been trying to get to grips with the fiddle~ object for a while now, but just can't handle it. Could someone please explain how I would use Fiddle to do the following:

    1. Have a Wav file playing through 'readsf~' as Fiddle's input signal. the Wav file is a full song by Chemical brothers, with many different frequencies, constantly changing - in other words, it's not just a simple sinewave or sawwave etc.

    2. detect a frequency range of 700-1100 Hz when it goes past a certain amplitude ( I can't tell you what that amp is, only that it's 6-12dB louder than the rest of the spectrum, sorry).

    3. send output "1" to bng when the amp at this frequency is at an acceptable level, and output "0" when it is less than that amplitude.

    Let me know if I havn't explained this right - I wouldn't be surprised, as I'm quite confused when it comes to fiddle~

    posted in technical issues read more
  • alexkevans

    I apologise if this is in the wrong place. I'm quite a newb with PD, and a complete newb to this forum.

    How would I create a patch that sends a bang if a wav file reaches a specified amplitude at a desired frequency?

    So, I have a wav file playing through "readsf~", and I want to be able to send a bang message if/when a frequency of, let's say for now, 1K, reaches a certain amplitude, let's say 60dB.

    Is this even possible with Pure Data?

    posted in technical issues read more
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