• akeogan

    I have a usb drumkit sending signals to pd through a pico device. It is part of an interactive art installation. I won't go into the details now but my question is this.

    A note has been assigned to each drumpad. When it is struck the syncgrain~ object creates sonic particles of this note.
    Will I use one syncgrain~ object per drumpad or one between all six pads with six varying parameters attached?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • akeogan

    I have a usb drumkit sending signals to pd through a pico device. It is part of an interactive art installation. I won't go into the details now but my question is this.

    A note has been assigned to each drumpad. When it is struck the syncgrain~ object creates sonic particles of this note.
    Will I use one syncgrain~ object per drumpad or one between all six pads with six varying parameters attached?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • akeogan

    Hi there,
    I am reasonably new to Pure Data. I am doing my final year project in it. My question at the moment is this. I have an electronic drum kit rigged up to pd. There are 8 input channels. Six of the input pads register the velocity of the hit, the other two pads are pedals with just an on/off state. I want to use one of the pedals to start recording the output and when it is kicked again to stop recording and play it back in order to create layered polyrhythms. What is the best means to achieve this affect?
    Thanks in advance,

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  • akeogan

    Hey there everyone,

    I am not normally on forums so I don't know what is acceptable or not but I am doing half my final year project in pd so I thought I could post the url of a webpage detailing the project and if anyone is interested they might want to have a look and perhaps send on some suggestions.

    Thanks lads,

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  • akeogan

    Hey there,

    The random element is given meaning by the conceptual framework in place for the piece. it is too detailed to go into here.

    I am not working with preset article animations. Rather, the input received from each drumpad is sent over into Lingo's Director to directly influence each particle system.
    I am have researched GEM and Data structures and have opted to use Director instead. This is already in place.

    Thanks anyway for all your help.

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  • akeogan

    Hey there Obiwannabe,

    The drumkit is not midi. Its signal is being picked up by a pico device using a netrecieve object. In terms of making a decision about the sequencer. There is no right or wrong way to play this drumset. It is part of an art piece that explores the connection between audio and visual representations of rhythm.
    Basically, when I strike the drumpad, the signal is converted to a number. This number is used to inform the amplitude of its assigned sounds and also sent over to director to be processed by Lingo where it will be used to trigger and inform a particle system projected on the wall. It is a closed system. All of the drumpads except the left pedal have been assigned a particlar sound and particle system. The order in which I play the drums will affect the panning in the sonic realm and the wind force in the visual realm. I am very anxious to inject a random element into the system. Also, I am much concerned with making the system interaction two way. At the moment information is only travelling from pd to director. I want it to travel back from director to pd. So this is what I was thinking. I thought the left pedal could trigger a record device that would record and store some of the output from the drums. I then thought that each of the particle systems in the lingo file could be assigned numbers 1-8. These number could be sent back to pd as they are triggered. They will be compared to a random 8 object , using select and when they matched the recorded sample would be played back . Does this sound like a bad idea? The drums are to be engaged with in a playful manner. The drummer/ interactor will get a surprise the first time but will soon learn to incorporate these random playback samples into their end piece. This would be my hope at any rate. What I do have to plan for is the fact that the left pedal may be hit only once thus the recording will not be stopped or they will double kick it turning it on/off to no avail. Perhaps kicking the left pedal will make a 30 second recording of output only. Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated. Ailbhe

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  • akeogan

    Thats for that hardoff. I managed to get a test patch up and working. As I said, I am not normally on forums so I don't know what is acceptable or not but I am doing half my final year project in pd so I thought I could post the url of a webpage detailing the project and if anyone is interested they might want to have a look and perhaps send on some suggestions.

    Thanks lads,

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  • akeogan

    Hello there everyone. I am a completely new to PD having only opened it for the first time yesterday. I am a Masters student in Interactive Media in University of Limerick, Ireland. I was wondering if you could direct me to a suitable forum. My questions at this stage are very basic.
    For example, I have plugged a drum pad into my mic/line in and I am trying to work out its threshold levels so that when I hit the drum, a certain wav sample will play. Would anybody be able to give me simple directions as to how to achieve this? Also, I was wondering if it would be okay to post up my final year project proposal to see if any of you guys might have some suggestions?
    Thanks - Ailbhe

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