@seb-harmonik.ar thanks, I will try it with [rpole~], looks like it should work.
@james yes the [lop~] doesn't work that well, but if I can run it at audio rate it might be less of an issue. And I understand what you're saying about [metro 1], it should be a multiple of the block length. If [rpole~] doesn't work well I'll look into that.
Thanks for all the useful tips!
I'm attaching my WIP midi synth using this, open synth1.pd to try it. You need a velocity sensitive keyboard for it to work well. Play with different combinations of attack/decay/release and tapping or holding notes. I think the unique thing is that it's additive, when triggering multiple overlapping notes, and it has infinite decay. I'm not sure if this is anything unique or not, but it has been fun to put together. Any comments appreciated.
I'm running PD Vanilla on an M1 Mac and no matter how simple the patch is, I can hear occasional glitch/skip/pop sounds in the audio. It sounds the same with any audio device I've tried, including built in speakers. Any idea what might cause this?
I am new to PD, doing audio experiments for now and may build a performance synth some day. I thought I would post this abstract for feedback because it does a few unusual things, and I'm sure there are things I'm doing wrong. It's supposed to mimic piano key hammers, but it can also make drum like envelopes if release is shorter than decay:
Also, how slow is fexpr~? I was thinking I could implement an audio rate version of "integrator", but not if it's too expensive, I plan to add polyphony next.