• Adrianan

    Can someone please post up an example of their patch?

    I am trying to create a similar thing. so far I have created a gemwin which picks .mov files from a folder and plays them on shuffle. I am looking to have the audio attached to the .mov files to play as well but am a little confused how to use [pdp_qt~] and [gem2pdp]

    posted in pixel# read more
  • Adrianan

    I am new to Puredata and have managed to make my first patch which consists of a GEMwindow which picks files from a folder and is meant to shuffle them each time it is opened so that a different movie file is played in no particular order.

    The code I am using is giving me a bit of trouble and I would like to use your code pd123.
    Would you please explain to me a little further what you mean by

    "The right outlet will display the number of files matching your given extension (aiff) in the currently loaded directory, and you can use that to set the range of a [random] or [shuffle] object, which can then select files by sending an index number into the inlet of [bb_filebrowser]."

    I have looked at your patches provided and am unsure where I need to 'set the range'


    posted in technical issues read more

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