• absalom

    Im not very clever in reading dumps...

    So can someone give a hint what Im doing
    wrong according to the attached log file.

    Thanks for help



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  • absalom

    Hi folk,

    I want to process incoming midi sysexmessages with the "sysexin" patch...

    Does anyone how to do that...

    Br absalom

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  • absalom

    Hello commuity,

    Im currently busy with writing a sampler device playing a different sample (wave file) for different midi key pressed. (multisampler)

    On start up the sampler has to load up to 88 (wave- ) files (where 88 is the maximal numbers of keys of a keyboard) which have to be put in to separate pd arrays. Currently I put 88 array with different names manually in a subpatch to load the samples into those arrays. This process is somehow cumbersome.

    Does anybody know how to implement such a multisamplerbased sampler more elegantly.....?

    Br Absalom

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  • absalom


    I ve detected some old issues here concerend with loop points in wave-files but could
    not extract the actual status of this topic out of those.

    Hence my question: Is there any possiblity to extract loop points from wave-files in PD.

    Thanks for any hints in advance


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  • absalom

    Sorry Pacal...
    for the NullPointerException..
    it was my mistake late in the night...

    Br absalom

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  • absalom

    Thanks for inspecting my problem

    However it is difficult to reproduce safely. For me it seems that things are sent to fast to the out let.

    For example the case I described arise sometimes....in this case I load multiple wave files to tables. This is triggered one after the other by a java programm sending commands to the outlet. The crash can be avoided if a short delay (thread.sleep(10) ) is set befor sending each command to the outlet.
    How ever I ll try to reproduce the error.

    Due to your experience as PDJ developer I ve some other question: Can you explain the following exception

    dj: java.lang.NullPointerException
    pdj: at com.cycling74.max.MaxObject.doOutletAnything(Native Method)
    pdj: at com.cycling74.max.MaxObject.outlet(MaxObject.java:571)
    pdj: at main.LeanSampler$PDOutputThread.run(LeanSampler.java:147)
    pdj: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

    the arguments /int, String ATOM[] are definitivly not null. Im not sure whether I can debug max code so I ask you.

    Br regard for any hint


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  • absalom

    Hello ,

    thanks a lot, I tried it out......

    Without your help I would have implemented it with pdj (pd with java)
    but using midiin is definitively much simpler....

    Thanks again


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  • absalom

    Thanks for reply....

    Is this the common way. to preload the samples all to different arrays and to have
    them available later when needed for playing e.g. also in a polymorphic sampler?

    Or can one use one array per voice and can reload the samples when ever a different key is pressed.

    Latter solution seems not real time capable for my opinion....

    Looking forward for help

    Br Absalom

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  • absalom

    >no, i think absalom is talking about loop and region points stored within the >header of the .wav file itself.
    >i asked about this a year or so ago, and didn't get any result.

    Yes this is exactly what I mean. So if this the current status its worthwhile to know anyhow

    >a mild workaround is to create your regions in audacity, because it saves the >region data as a text file, which you can hack to get read in pd.

    >but really, getting the header data out of the .wav files themselves should just >be a really simple process for someone with the coding knowledge. just doesn't >seem to have been done yet.

    It might be worthwhile to try it, in spite of the fact that Im not familiar with implementing PD abstracts in C or C++. Java which Im very familiar with only has a pure sound api of which I dont know whether it allows to access this kind header information.

    Thanks for the information

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