• 3rdPlanetRob

    @3rdPlanetRob It works now- apparently i had the wrong things connected. I had done so many basic projects about a year ago, surprised how fast i forgot everything. Thanks!

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  • 3rdPlanetRob

    Well that seems to be it! Such a simple mistake! It still won't make it, i have the create and destroy attached to it and also a toggle, so if i run it, hit create, nothing happens, but when i hit the toggle, it gives this error:

    GEM: Create window first!

    I attached the changed project:


    Thank you!

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  • 3rdPlanetRob

    But still the gem window won't open. I attached below the project, very simple, it's supposed to initialize and create the gem window.


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  • 3rdPlanetRob

    I probably should have mentioned- this is a pretty "vanilla" install. I downloaded the zip for the newest PD (windows) 0.46.7. I extracted all of the files, then copied the pd folder and everything below it to C:\Program Files (x86), ran it and clicked edit/preferences/startup and added a new entry called "Gem". Before i did that, i just got errors, but with it there, from the logs it now finds gem.dll, but not Gem.m_i386.

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  • 3rdPlanetRob

    I know this has been asked a few hundred thousand times- i know because i've been reading everything i can find. But most of the documentation and posts are apparently outdated, or don't seem to work for me.

    I had been learning pure data for a few weeks about a year ago using pd extended, but noticed that the libs haden't been updated for a long time, so when i got back into it yesterday i decided to start with the nonextended version.

    At first i didn't realize that Gem isn't a standard library, so downloaded it, installed, eventually found that someone suggested to go to edit/preferences/startup, make a new entry and just type "gem" and add it. I did that, restarted. The log window still shows a lot of error messages, it looks like PD is searching for two files:


    There are a lot of lines that indicated tried and failed for both, but eventually i see "succeeded" for gem.dll, but not for Gem.m_i386.

    Anyway i 'put' an object called gemwin and two messages, create and destroy and link them both to gemwin after creating a new project, then switch to run mode ctrl-e and click on create. Nothing happens. It should make a black, empty gem window, but it doesn't.

    In the log window, there are no entries added after clicking on create/destroy, i don't know what i'm doing wrong, can someone suggest what to do?

    I've been reading for hours, a lot of pages suggest where to look, but have dead links, or the suggestion didn't help, any ideas?

    I pasted below the full startup log (the full log using the "all" option).


    Rob T

    ------------------ done with main ----------------------
    input channels = 2, output channels = 2
    Default font: DejaVu Sans Mono
    tried ./Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried C:/Users/me/AppData/Roaming/Pd/Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Pd/Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/pd/extra/Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried ./Gem.dll and failed
    tried C:/Users/me/AppData/Roaming/Pd/Gem.dll and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Pd/Gem.dll and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/pd/extra/Gem.dll and failed
    tried ./Gem/Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried C:/Users/me/AppData/Roaming/Pd/Gem/Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Pd/Gem/Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/pd/extra/Gem/Gem.m_i386 and failed
    tried ./Gem/Gem.dll and failed
    tried C:/Users/me/AppData/Roaming/Pd/Gem/Gem.dll and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Pd/Gem/Gem.dll and failed
    tried C:/Program Files (x86)/pd/extra/Gem/Gem.dll and succeeded
    GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
    GEM: ver: 0.93.3 
    GEM: compiled: Nov 10 2011
    GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
    GEM: Authors :  Mark Danks (original version)
    GEM:        Chris Clepper
    GEM:        Cyrille Henry
    GEM:        IOhannes m zmoelnig
    GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, James Tittle, Hans-Christoph Steiner, et al.
    GEM: found a bug? miss a feature? please report it:
    GEM:    homepage http://gem.iem.at/
    GEM:    bug-tracker http://sourceforge.net/projects/pd-gem/
    GEM:    mailing-list http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/gem-dev/
    GEM: compiled for SIMD architecture: SSE2 MMX 
    GEM: using SSE2 optimization
    The Pd window filtered 40 lines
    The Pd window filtered 41 lines```

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!