• 2357matrix

    "pdj: warning: Java is initialized from main thread. AWT can lock pure-data environment. See pdj/pd scheduler to cover this problem.
    pdj: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    pdj: at com.cycling74.max.MaxObject.registerObject(MaxObject.java:803)
    pdj: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    pdj: at java.util.StringTokenizer.<init>(StringTokenizer.java:182)
    pdj: at java.util.StringTokenizer.<init>(StringTokenizer.java:204)
    pdj: at com.e1.pdj.PDJClassLoader.resolvClasspath(PDJClassLoader.java:64)
    pdj: at com.e1.pdj.PDJClassLoader.<init>(PDJClassLoader.java:37)
    pdj: at com.e1.pdj.PDJClassLoader.<clinit>(PDJClassLoader.java:27)
    pdj: ... 1 more
    pdj pdj_test_class
    ... couldn't create"

    My friend wrote a sampler in pure data. It functions already. But we would like to start it on a mac computer. There we got the message written above and are not able to solve the problems...
    What is AWT?
    What is the pdj/ pd scheduler?

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  • 2357matrix

    Does anybody know a good sounding polyphonic synth with MIDI inlet. Thanks alot.

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  • 2357matrix

    I would like to know if there exists a list/ documentation of all the tools in Pd?

    I am a beginner and I want to create a tuning-software with some pretty new features. My vision of just intonation...!

    I am a classical Tenor and would like to open some doors for the classical music since the evolution of harmony is completely stuck.
    So far Pd seems to me a very powerfull instrument, but I need an overview of the objects.


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  • 2357matrix

    I'm working with just intonation and wonder if PD is able to digest "cent", the logarithmical conversion of frequencies mesured in "Hz"?
    I'm used to it and for many applications the only sensible thing.

    Most important for me is to have a high resolution for pitches. The higher the better. It can't be high enough...

    What is the limit of precision in PD?

    Thank you very much for your answers in advance. 2357matrix

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  • 2357matrix

    I just started using Pd and can't find the sinewave symbol on my MacBook. Neither on the keys nor by shortcuts. The default shortcut for the sinewave symbol in WORD for Mac doesn't function as well. Is there any solution??
    Thanks for your answers in advance, 2357matrix

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  • 2357matrix

    When you use Melodyne... , you will see how much music is in a single bark of a dog!

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  • 2357matrix

    Obiwannabe! Thank you. When you cut 32bit floats to 8 places... what is left as resolution???
    Where can I find the abstraction of Karlheinz Essl. I don't know the "harmony collection".

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  • 2357matrix

    Now I found the answer: Alt + N


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  • 2357matrix

    Thank you for your answers. On my MacBook (Intel - 1,8GHz) is under the F11 key the key for the german ß and ?.
    Under the escape key is the key ^ and °.
    I have really no idea! 2357matrix in desperation...

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!