• 00hubblemp

    I'm new to Pure Data and have a very simple problem I need to solve!

    I have 2 bang messages, but I need to create an object that will only send a bang if there is a bang on both inputs at the same time. I have tried using a logical and (&&) but this doesn't do what I want it to!

    Please help me!



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  • 00hubblemp

    to explain this is for using a rock band controller as a midi device!

    if you look in my patch, there are two sets of 5 buttons, he lower buttons at the bottom of the neck, and the top buttons higher up the neck. when a lower button is pressed, only one of the coulours is toggled on. when you press a top button, one of the colours is turned on as well as the first grey toggle.

    i need a way to be able to tell the difference between top and bottom buttons so i can send different midi messages. also, messages should only be sent when the strum bar is pushed with the buttons (strum bar is toggles 9 and 10 along)


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  • 00hubblemp

    cool thanks!this works great!

    i also need a way to only send out a bang only if the left input has recieved a bang. if both are a bang then no output, if right only has a bang then no output.

    any ideas?

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