They're like [mtof] and [ftom], but now the objects accept 2 parameters:
- the reference pitch for middle A (default value is 440)
- the number of tones (default value is 12)
So let's say you want your reference pitch to be 432, considered by some to be a more mellow frequency, you would write:
- [ntof 432]
and to split an octave into just 8 distinct tones instead of the most conventional 12, you'd write:
- [ntof 432 8]
You can change these values after instantiation by using messages:
- [ref $1(
- changes the reference pitch
- [tet $1(
- changes the number of tones (in equal temperament)
It also comes with two counter objects: [cupq], and [cupqb]
[cupq] has three inlets:
- left inlet decrements
- right inlet increments
- middle inlet changes the step size.
[cupqb] is similar, but it includes an atom box, allowing you to slide the current count. It has two inlets:
- first inlet receives [+ $1( and [- $1( messages
- second inlet controls the step size.
[cupq] and [cupqb] are .pd files, so there's actually more you can do with them than what I've specified here.
These files are also on my github page under pd-externals.
EDIT: My musical scale object [muse] now also takes advantage of the ref and tet messages. Its help file allows you to play around with these features. The files have now also been added to the zip.