I want to randomize the content of an array within certain indices at several areas that are separated from each other using messages instead of recording into the array.
How is this possible?
randomizing array content between certain indices?
I want to randomize the content of an array within certain indices at several areas that are separated from each other using messages instead of recording into the array.
How is this possible?
Great! And what if I wanted to randomize...like maybe 50 different sections? How has the array to be altered?
Using that patch above, you can simply send a single message containing the initial and final indexes that you want to randomize. For instance, [10 15, 57 67, 99 100( would randomize the indexes 10-15, then 57-67 and finally 99-100.
Wow! Pretty simple! And if I want to set the sections itself by numbers? How could I fill these messages with variable values?
You can do something like this:
Now every time you send a number for those number boxes it will activate the patch above. But this is not ideal if you want to set values by scrolling, because each number you scroll through will activate the patch. For that, use this solution here:
Above, the number boxes are connected to cold inlets and pack will only output something when the hot inlet is banged. Note that for that to work, you will need to use [$2 $3( instead of [$1 $2(, as the numbers are located in the second and third position of the list.
Hope this helps, cheers!
Thanks a lot! I'll try it out as soon as I can!
From seeing this first, I'd expect this to fit my needs just fine.
l just tried it out- works great, thanks! ] just put it into the next version of Ewolverine. I'll upload it tomorrow after some polishing. Thanks a lot!
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!