Hello. So I somehow found out about this ambisonic sound and wanted to download a project i found called, HOA, on the internet. But i dont understand how to download the new objects... I have put the folder in my "extra" section on pure data... but objects still arent working... does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
ambisonic sounds
@ebathory Hi, can you state your OS and are you using pd-extended? As stated on the download page, you also need to install the Cream library: https://github.com/CICM/CreamLibrary/releases
@EEight I think he is having troubles understanding how to install externals in general, not problems opening the help files from HOA (in fact, the Cream library is only needed for the help files and HOA library can work without them).
@ebathory Maybe this will help you: http://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/6743/how-to-install-externals-libraries-gui-plug-ins-etc
Gilberto -
To install the HOA and the Cream libraries :- Download the last releases : http://www.mshparisnord.fr/hoalibrary/telechargements/puredata/
- Put the folders in one of the folders for Pure Data libraries (it should be one of these : "/Users/Username/Library/Pd" or "/Library/Pd" or the "extra" folder in the Pure Data distribution)
- Add the startup flags in PD
- For Extended : add "-lib Cream -lib Hoa" in the startup options.
- For Vanilla : add "Cream" and "Hoa" with the button "add..." in the startup window.
- Close and restart Pure Data
Here screenshots of my installations (Vanilla and Extended) with the libraries folders in the "extra" folders of each distribution.
Ps : I recommend to use Vanilla.
Cheers -
I have some simple abstractions here, if that helps with complexity: http://rickygraham.com/2015/10/21/rg-ambi-updates-bug-fixes-and-hexagonal-decoder/