Hello forum,
I saw this video on Youtube and was inspired to try to replicate this effect in pd (skip to 2:16 for the good stuff).
The author had this to say:
Non-Geeks: This is me playing on some drums and pads fed through a computer. When I hit the drums they get sampled instantly and repeated really fast to make VSnares / Aphex type granulised rolls.
Geeks: The drum signal (SM57 sits on snare, 602 sits in kick) is fed through a granular synth which takes snapshots of the incoming signal if it exceeds a threshold level, samples its frequency, waveform and amplitude, then repeats those grains until it is triggered again. That granular sound is then mixed with the signal from the camera to get some natural drum sound.
Here's my attempt: liveglitch.zip
I tried to make things more interesting by adding an option to have a glissando effect as well as incorporate some randomness into the parameters, but I still can't keep to get it to sound as 'industrial lo-fi' as the author can. Any tips or improvements I could make?