I need a quick solution of a counter that only counts to 1 and then resets itself. Cause of some strange reason, pd extended verision does not have [counter] which I used for my PC..
So if someone has a tip I'm greatful!
Counter for mac os x
I need a quick solution of a counter that only counts to 1 and then resets itself. Cause of some strange reason, pd extended verision does not have [counter] which I used for my PC..
So if someone has a tip I'm greatful!
not sure what you mean by counting to one, but I've attached the timed counter patch from the control examples, in which a metro object first resets the value to zero then outputs bangs at the specified interval until reaching 1 (the first bang!!). It is then stopped by the select 1 object.
first time i'v ever heard someone ask for help counting to one
[mod 2] on a counter that keeps going will output 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1...etc
I know y'all are against gui objects, but the one I can't seem to do w/out is [toggle]
In this situation; each bang toggles [toggle] ......0 1 0 1 0 1......
(f ) x (+ 1)
(mod 2)
will do the same thing, and use heaps less cpu
Just to be nitpicky; [int]x[+ 1] is easier on the memory than [float]x[+ 1]. Not by much, but if you run a million iterations of these things in a patch, it adds up. my counter patches always look like this:
[int]x[+ 1]
[sel 1]
and then route the 0 message back up to the int's 2nd inlet. But the [mod] thing is much more elegant. I'm gonna use that in the future.
any technology distinguishable from magic
is insufficiently advanced.
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