Since a couple of weeks I am reinstalling reactivision and pure data to work togheter, and realize that some changes on the op. sys, and also on Pd, started to result in some communication failure between those softwares.
After reorganizing location of lybraries and so on, I did manage to make them work. However, even looking as, was sorted and tested, Pd started to show those messages:
(Tcl) invalid command name "listening" while executing "listening to TUIO/UDP messages on port 3333"
Someone here knows what to do?
(Tcl) invalid command name "listening" while executing "listening to TUIO/UDP messages on port 3333"
Hi and welcome to this forum,
Are you on OS X? I am normally a Linux user and reacTIVision and Pd work flawlessly here, but I had to make a sound installation using a Mac computer and it gave me so much headache. I had some of these warning messages every time I created [TuioClient], and also I wasn't able to open a patch that contained a previously created [TuioClient] for some reason. I gave up trying to diagnose it (I was rushing towards my deadline) but I did manage to find a little hack: first I opened Pd, then I created a new canvas and created a [TuioClient] object on it, then I loaded my patch (which already contained [TuioClient]) and then finally I closed the patch I had created which contains only the client object. The error messages were always there, but at least I managed to make the installation work.