As I can understand, uPD enhances Unity with Pure Data engine, meaning that audio is compiled inside libpd inside Unity.
So PureData.Play(); PureData.PlayContainer(); etc are "scripts and methods" that tells libpd to play a sound, use a container (I don't know what this is but anyway) and the audio enhine is pure data. These "scripts and methods" have nothing to do with a pd patch or they control the patches that are in ../StreamingAssets/Patches.. folder. If it is the second, then I must not mesh up the "../StreamingAssets/Patches.." folder. meaning that if I delete something from that folders, some of the "scripts" (ex. PureData.Play("mplamplampla",sth, int, etc);) won't work.
Are all the above true or false?
And a second question please....:
The documentation does not explain is that, if I have my simple patch, something like
[r myFreq]
{osc~ ]
| . . . . . . [r myVo]
| . . . . . /
[*~ 0.5]
I must have a script with the PureData.OpenPatch(patchName) ;
Where do I place the patch is the projects file system?
More of that, what should I do in order to control the patch, sending int's, floats, messages, bangs, or receiving messages, chars, matrices and so on. Is there any documentation of the methods...?