Hi, I just started using pd so sorry if this is a really stupid question. I was wondering if there was a better way to connect multiple inputs/outputs. For example if i have something with 50 outputs that I'm trying to connect to something with 50 inputs is there a better way to connect them than just dragging them one at a time? Also if I wanted to connect those outputs to something later with 50 different outputs is there any way to just move the cables to the new object or would I just delete them and then reconnect the routing one at a time again?
Best way to connect multiple things
For audio connections, the throw~ and catch~ objects should allow you to do that, without cords. You can redirect [throw~] via a "set" messages...like [set signal 1( or [set signal 2( and so on.
For control connections, use [send] and [receive] objects.
As always, right-click for Help onto any of the above objects.
However, at some point, you cannot avoid having to make lots of connections by dragging. I've recently learned that there's a distribution of Pd that allows you to do that kind of thing efficiently, Pd-l2Ork...but I guess this is only for Linux?
I live and love in Argentina
I've recently learned that there's a distribution of Pd that allows you to do that kind of thing efficiently, Pd-l2Ork...but I guess this is only for Linux?
So far yes, it is Linux only. But Pd-l2Ork is one more good reason to give Linux a shot if you are using Mac or Windows
And here is what the devs of Pd-l2Ork have to say about this (from the mailing list, posted on the 23.12.2014):
Also, to clarify another point that has been brought up several times on
this mailing list, while pd-l2ork does not support Windows or Mac at this
time, this is mainly due to lack of human resources, rather than some kind
of religious mission. There is clearly an intent on supporting those once
we complete port to Qt toolkit.Take care,