@gsagostinho Great! Thanks for your feedback.
You're right about mismatch. The problem was that [unpack] received things it didn't have a method for. It was a tricky problem. So I created a message-diversity manager, based on [route], in the so called "selector mode".

There you can see that, now, metroo can do the same as Pd's metro.
"float" is for incoming numbers such as 0 and 1, and nonzero numbers, e.g. 77 or 101,...Pd's metro accepts nonzero numbers...and they act like a 1! So metroo has to do the same.
Then if you throw metroo a [banana(, it tells you it has no method for it! Well...that's what the rightmost reject outlet is useful for. So, now, metro and metroo behave alike.
I think this version is the clone we were dreaming of. Besides, I've followed your advice on the colour and flashing of the bang object. Now, it's a standard bang.

Other things to notice, just in case sbdy wants to give it a try, and find some bug:
[metroo] accepts creation arguments. Type [metroo 120] and it should appear at that tempo. However, if you don't specify a tempo, it defaults to 100bpm. It remembers your creation argument/tempo, but it doesn't remember your latest adjustment. As always, if you want it to remember your latest tempo, use [loadbang] plus the corresponding message, connected to metroo's right inlet:
I've added a little ON/OFF number box. With this, you can start and stop metroo without using other objects.
Now, the flashing bang can also be used "manually" for sending out bangs, even while it's active. Lots of uses for this.
You can slide the bpm number box as well as the ms number box.
The minimum bpm is 10. This is because slower bpm values have really large beats...and it can be very confusing if you change the bpm and nothing happens during a whole minute! So its limit is 10 bpm.
I live and love in Argentina