just installed pd-l2ork and arrived at a curious problem that doesn't exist when using vanilla.
The settings for blocksize aren't stored and are stuck with a size of 64.
If i manually launch with -jack -blocksize 1024 - same result.
There is no difference if I use Alsa or Jack.
64bit version
Pd-L2Ork version 20140913
compiled 01:09:04 Sep 13 2014
<- pd audio-dialog 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 44100 50 -1 1024" ;
-> set pd_whichapi 5
<- pd save-preferences ;
<- pd watchdog ;
Additionally tried In pd-extended, which correctly recalls the setting at least UI wise, but compared to pd vanilla
the test patch is crackling as if it didn't work. Patch: http://www.pdpatchrepo.info/hurleur/shore.zip
I wrote to the pd-l2ork mailing list too so in case there is a quick fix I*ll document it here.