Hi Pure Data Community!

I'm pretty new to Pure Data, however I would like to share my music visualiser interface, ~SomaVision created out of Arduino hardware and Pure Data signal routing as part of my Masters degree at Victoria University.

The promotional video for this project can be watched below

Further documentation can be retrieved here at the project page: https://www.behance.net/gallery/17953035/SomaVision-Visualiser-Interface

The patch itself is relatively simple due to the strain it seemed to put on my CPU.
Patch can be tested here: SomaVision.pd
And another independent of Arduino here: SomaVision_Free.pd

I would love any feedback or advice on how this could be improved as I am currently developing another project that uses a Kinect (via pix_openni and pix_freenect).
Also if anyone knows where I can find up to date documentation on the gphoto, freeframe and PiDiP/PDP externals that would be much appreciated as I haven't been able to get these working so far.

Any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks in advance,
Ryan Achten